DEEP Vision Statement ~ The Purpose of Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness (DEEP) ~ 登巴社区地震及紧急事件的预防准备(以下简称 DEEP)

DEEP Vision Statement
The Purpose of Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness (DEEP) 

The DEEP program is a citizen’s grass roots effort to ensure our community is able to take care of ourselves after a disaster. DEEP envisions organizing and planning block-by-block, bringing neighbours together to build mutual trust and awareness of each other’s skills and special needs.

Some of the actions envisioned include building on Block Watch activities like block parties, adding in skill development, training and mutual support for undertaking basic preparation.

We’ll be using the “Map your Neighbourhood” MYN program as an initial step in organizing individual blocks.

DEEP will also attend to community wide issues and resources including working with the City services and local schools and churches to identify places of refuge, provide communication links, emergency medical support, food and security until city and provincial services can be restored.

       – Ann Pacey, February 2013

登巴社区地震及紧急事件的预防准备(以下简称 DEEP)





             –安.佩西   2013年2月

With appreciation to Ann Pacey
for creating this DEEP Vision Statement

and to Hailey Yang发自我的 for the translation!

3 replies
  1. Katarina
    Katarina says:

    Read: The New Yorker of July 20, 2015

    The Earthquake That Will Destroy The Pacific Northwest
    “Here’s a suggestion: Skip your morning coffee and instead read Kathryn Schulz’s terrifying piece on the massive earthquake that will one day hit the Pacific Northwest. Equal parts scientific mystery story and (scientifically accurate!) disaster movie script, you won’t be able to tear yourself away”.

    1. “Scientists were able to date the last major earthquake thanks to Japanese records from the early 18th century, which noted an ‘orphan tsunami’:

    “Finally, in a 1996 article in Nature, a seismologist named Kenji Satake and three colleagues, drawing on the work of Atwater and Yamaguchi, matched that orphan [tsunami] to its parent—and thereby filled in the blanks in the Cascadia story with uncanny specificity. At approximately nine o’ clock at night on January 26, 1700, a magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck the Pacific Northwest, causing sudden land subsidence, drowning coastal forests, and, out in the ocean, lifting up a wave half the length of a continent.”

    2. “When the quake hits, the land won’t just shake — it will shift:

    “When the next very big earthquake hits, the northwest edge of the continent, from California to Canada and the continental shelf to the Cascades, will drop by as much as six feet and rebound thirty to a hundred feet to the west—losing, within minutes, all the elevation and compression it has gained over centuries.”

    3. “The damage, if the earthquake reaches its full potential strength, will be catastrophic:

    “Whoever chooses or has no choice but to stay there will spend three to six months without electricity, one to three years without drinking water and sewage systems, and three or more years without hospitals. Those estimates do not apply to the tsunami-inundation zone, which will remain all but uninhabitable for years.”


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